- Hook that grips the viewer about how insane AI is (Multiple sentences, show visually this part)
- The problem for you, is that everything is decontextualized.
- Social media has made everything into small nuggets of exaggerated and watered down information… and you’ve likely heard that
- ”AI is going to replace video editors”
- Coders
- Writers
- Teachers
- Content Creators
- You feel paralyzed because none of these nuggets creates a world that makes sense enough to take action in.
- I’m here today to change this.
- For months, I’ve been documenting everything that happens in the AI space.
- Mapping and tagging it, and it has allowed me to keep track of the different horizons within the AI space.
- In this video we will go over
- A, B, C
- Let’s talk AI abilities.
- I’m not much of a gamer, in fact the last video game I played was SkyRim… I think I was in 8th grade. That game is permanently etched into my brain.
There are many things that are possible now and we can divide them into different categories, with a focus on these outputs.
Categories of Abilities
- Show different content people can make (Content Creation)
- Get any character on any person in an image